He111B through J Interior Details

Lounge Lizards Roden He111 Group Build

Here's an overview of the nose compartment of the early He111s (B-F largely the same)


        he111.B-E-F_port_nose-panel.jpg (72349 bytes)

 Overview of the port nose wall, along with closeup of the auxiliary instrument panel on the port nose wall


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Instrument panel details of the He111E-F



The left and right cockpit walls of the He111B (C through J very similar)


he111.B-E-F_pitdetails.jpg (185284 bytes)        he111.B-E-F_canopy.jpg (25009 bytes)

Yet another instrument panel diagram, along with the rear bulkhead, pilot's seat (Führersitz) and navigator's seat (Begleitersitz)... to the right is a closeup of the early style canopy with opened upper hatch.


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For those with a very high pain tolerance, here's everything you could possibly want to know about the ventral dustbin... :)


he111.B-E-F_radiocompartment.jpg (58808 bytes)

And I just know somebody's dying to detail out the radio operator's station of the 111, so here's a little something to get you started...


111.bombbay.jpg (74496 bytes)        111.interior1.jpg (74114 bytes)


111.scarff.ring.jpg (58440 bytes)