Here is a rare photo (I think) of an A-24, 41-15780, in flight. This was probably taken by the AAF at Eglin Field in Florida and the print is stamped Recognition Section AAFSAT, Orlando, Florida. I worked for a year in NYC in HqAAF Recogntion Section of AAFTAD and this was in our files. When the war ended and we moved to Wright Field I was the last one to be discharged from that office and I took this 8 x 10 with me. That was Feb 1946 and here it is in the files in Nov 2001 and on its way to you. I would bet my life that there is no way you could ever get this photo from the USAF today. The A-24's alternated with the SBD-3A's on the production line and this one is from the AAF batch 41-15746/15823.