Steven "Modeldad" Eisenman


Steven's graced the page with not one, but TWO Dauntlesses, both from the lovely Accurate Miniatures' kit...first up, we have the cover subject from the SBD-1 kit, BuNo 1741, 2-MB-13:


se-1.1.jpg (45854 bytes)        se-1.2.jpg (43876 bytes)        se-1.3.jpg (49864 bytes)        se-1.4.jpg (48756 bytes)


Steven has also sent in a great Kiwi SBD, this time an SBD-5:


se-5.1.jpg (46516 bytes)        se-5.2.jpg (43376 bytes)        se-5.3.jpg (43212 bytes)        se-5.4.jpg (45796 bytes)


So c'mon, Modeldad, where's your Finnish Dauntless?  ;-)


But wait...there's more!!!  Steven's also sent in the old Monogram chestnut...I've got fond memories of this kit from when I was a wee lad, and he's done a great job on it considering the kit is over thirty years old!


se-mon.1.jpg (44257 bytes)        se-mon.2.jpg (39729 bytes)        se-mon.3.jpg (42283 bytes)