IAI F-21 Kfir of VF-43

Chad Merritt, submitted these photos of VF-43's Aggressor aircraft, the IAI F-21 Kfir.  His father was CO of VF-43 when the US Navy leased the Kfirs from Israel for ACM training in the late 80s...that's Chad's father in aircraft "00", or "double nuts" as Navy types might call it.  Chad got these photos from his dad for me to scan and put out for your enjoyment.  A few things to note...first off, I actually tweaked the brightness of the photos so you can see the aircraft better, but did not play with colors or contrast.  Note how effective this camouflage scheme is!  Also, note the blowby doors open on "06" sitting and ready to go on the tarmac...and you'll see the lower "combat flaps" (hey, I don't know what else to call them) under the center wing painted red on "00" in the picture of it banking away over the peninsula.  

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