Goodyear FG-1D


Produced by Goodyear Aircraft under license from Chance Vought, the FG-1D was virtually identical to the F4U-1D in almost every respect.  This particular aircraft was used primarily in the postwar reserves, then passed through a number of owners before being purchased by Jerry Yagen a few years ago.  It was just recently fully reconditioned and repainted in the markings of VF-17 pilot Ray Beacham.  Ray was a resident of the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and typified the "average Joe" called upon to serve his country.  He wasn't the top Jolly Rogers ace, but he served well, completed his tour of duty, and returned to the Tidewater area where he retired after a wonderful career as a teacher and passed away quietly in 1997.

fg1d_nose.jpg (65094 bytes)  fg1d_stbd.cowling.jpg (61114 bytes)  fg1d_port.exhaust.jpg (49132 bytes)  fg1d_stbd.oilcooler.inlet.jpg (67383 bytes)

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