The Aviation Photography of

Marcus F. Ritger, Jr.

My grandfather, Marcus F.Ritger, Jr. ("Mark" to his friends) was a world-renowned maritime and circus photographer whose works are included in the collection of the Mariners' Museum and the Circus Museum Hall of Fame, among others.  Granddad also had a bit of an eye for aircraft, although it was more of a personal than a professional nature.  Recently, my grandmother was going through a box of slides (one of literally hundreds still scattered throughout her house...) and she called me over to look at what she thought were pictures of airplanes.  Boy howdy, were they!  Below scans of six Kodachrome slides taken at the Langley AFB "Family Day" held in 1959.  There are only six shots, but considering the subject matter, I think they are definitely worth sharing!  There are also some black and white prints still at the house that I'll be scanning in eventually.

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