Bf 109F-G Stencil Map


Some time back I borrowed a few binders full of first-generation photocopies of 109-related material from my friend and fellow club-member Scott Bregi.  Included in this cache of goodies was one binder almost completely full of the sheets you see here... near as I can tell, these were taken from a wartime publication called "Der Flugzeugmaler", and they appear to be official Messerschmitt factory documents on the placement and style of the stenciling applied to the 109F and G.  I have put together two different access methods for these scans... one is much like the other manuals on the site, accessed via the first page and you can click through them.  The other method is given below... it is a clickable keyed map of all the fuselage stencils. 

(click to open in a new window... please note this is a large image, approx. 1500 pixels wide)

Other interesting stencil information currently being sorted includes factory specifications on all small placards and coding abbreviations for part groups, etc.  Very interesting stuff, and something which should prove to be of great interest to those in the restoration community.  To this end, I am "cleaning up" the scans of the factory stencil plates, and will have them available here for download.  If someone uses these to create new data plates for whatever reason, I'd appreciate copies of such items...  :)

Here are two which I've done already, these are the data plates found on the spinner and backplate of a Bf 109G:

propstencil-1.jpg (15140 bytes)    propstencil-2.jpg (15015 bytes)

And one more, this time a warning plate found on the gear leg:

beinstencil-1.jpg (21492 bytes)

There are more lots more pages to be added, as every stencil on the airframe is covered in detail...