Our own Vincent Kermorgant, aka "Doc 109", also does work for MDC Products.  The latest products under development by Vincent are shown below...a superb resin replacement cockpit for the new Hasegawa Bf109G-6 and a sheet featuring six Finnish examples of the 109G, including four tall-tail variants.

Below are the six aircraft covered on Vincent's MDC sheet (D32001):

mt437.jpg (12070 bytes)    mt453.jpg (12085 bytes)    mt458.jpg (11836 bytes)    mt459.jpg (11794 bytes)    mt460.jpg (12208 bytes)    mt485.jpg (12078 bytes)

adeco.32g_finnish.jpg (37526 bytes)


Below, you will see the amazingly detailed cockpit which will be available soon through MDC:

cockpit.masters1.jpg (137503 bytes)        cockpit.masters2.jpg (129955 bytes)        cockpit.masters3.jpg (94708 bytes)        cockpit.masters4.jpg (118923 bytes)        cockpit.masters5.jpg (72181 bytes)

How does he do it?  Well, to hear him tell it, it's just patience, plastic, and fusewire...witness the original master for the starboard cockpit wall featured above:

stbd.orig.jpg (60845 bytes)

This set allows a wider range of production subvariants to be covered; it is also more complex than the very nice Cutting Edge set, and will take a bit more patience to build.  The results will be more than worth it, though, as you can see by the photos above.