The Profile Artwork of

Thierry Dekker

Thierry is a very talented artist whose work appears in the excellent French modeling magazine "REPLIC", and he has submitted the following 109 profiles for our enjoyment...please note that these copyrighted images are presented for personal use only, not for publication elsewhere.

Bf 109G-6 of an unknown unit, captured by the Russians and used for training (click for larger version)  
Bf 109G-6/R6 of 3./JG300 (click for a larger version)


Bf 109G-6/R6 of I/JG27 at Fels am Wagram, Austria, mid 1944 (click for a larger version)  
Bf 109G-6/R6/trop of Uffz. Rudolf Moycis, 7./JG27, 9 victories (thanks to Jim Perry for the updated info on the pilot)  
Bf 109F-4/trop of II./JG27. captured by British after forced landing in Tunisia
Bf 109G-14/AS W.Nr. 782354 of Oblt. Ernst Scheufle, 14./JG4.  Scheufle was shot down by AA fire and wounded in this aircraft on 3 December 1944, near Grosshau (10 km near Düren) after strafing an Allied army column.
Bf 109F-2 of Ltn. Walter Nowotny, 3./JG54

Bf 109G-2 WNr. 10360 as flown by Ltn. Walter Nowotny, 1./JG54; Nowotny overturned this aircraft on landing after hitting an obstruction.  He was returning from a successful sortie, downing two MiGs on 11 August 1942. 

The aircraft sustained 50% airframe damage.  (Thanks to Jim Perry for this updated information)

Bf 109G-14 of Oblt. Rolf Schlegel of 10./JG4, based at  Jüterbog in March 1945
Bf 109E-3 of Lt. Werner Mölders during the French campaign
Bf 109F-4 of 5./ 1 . V.Szd ("Puma" squadron) Eastern Front, February 1943

(This profile has previously been published in Avions)


Bf 109E-1, Uffz. Kurt Wolff  3./JG 52 F

Force landed at Coquelles after combat (time given as "late summer 1940".

Bf 109E-4,  W.Nr. 5159

Maj Wolfgang Schellmann, Kommodore JG2  Returned to Beaumont le Rogers with damage after combat in this aircraft in August, 1940

Bf 109E-1, Uffz. Erwin Fleig 1./JG 51

This Emil suffered 20% damage after combat on 25 July 1940 and landed at Wissant.  On 9 Sept., Fleig's Emil W.Nr. 3614 suffered 80% damage due to a belly landing after fuel starvation... this may be the same aircraft.  Fleig was unharmed.