Desktop Wallpapers

The following images are available for download in both 1024x768 and 800x600 pixel format to fit most computer desktop screens.


Please support these artists wherever and whenever you can!  I have provided links for more information on each artist, and encourage ALL Lair visitors to actively show their support and appreciation for their efforts.

Please note that the files are saved as 24-bit bitmaps (.bmp), and as such are fairly large (between 1.5 to 2.5 MB per file).


Jerry Crandall

One of the best known Luftwaffe researchers in the field, Jerry's work is not just aesthetically pleasing but is among the most technically accurate available today.  He and his wife Judy also run Eagle Editions, which not only distributes his artwork but is also a fantastic source of aftermarket modeling accessories (see the Modeling section for more details).

Adolf Galland

Bf109E-4, JG26


1024 pixel resolution

800 pixel resolution


Erich Hartmann

Bf109G-14, JG53


1024 pixel resolution

800 pixel resolution

Hannes Trautloft

Bf109F-2, JG54


1024 pixel resolution

800 pixel resolution


Thierry Dekker

A prominent French profile artist whose work has appeared in numerous French magazines such as Replic and Wingmasters, Thierry has been providing fantastic artwork for the Lair for some time now.  His latest piece is a beautifully worn JG300 Gustav which he has put into a desktop theme.  I've made this available in the three major screen resolutions (800, 1024, or 1280 pixels wide).  The image below links directly to the 800 pixel variant; links for the bigger ones are below the image.

1024 pixel resolution JPG (221 KB)

1280 pixel resolution JPG (171 KB)