From: "David E. Brown" | Block Address | Add to Address Book To: Subject: Tall Tails -1 Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 23:01:25 -0300 Lynn, Great work on the article. My only complaint is that you had to rely on published information for the images - a real drag I'm sure as they are not that clear. With all the talent and resources frequenting this site, I am sure that there are outstandingly-clear images in peoples collections that could be included here. Why not put out the call? To put my money where my mouth is, I include 4 photos of tails here that are self-explanatory. I'm not really into Bf 109s at the moment so I don't have a lot of images on this kite, but these are particularly good shots from my collection. If you want to use these, please credit to "James V. Crow via David E. Brown". You'll have sort these out as per type as I am being bugged to get of the computer by my children! Anyway, the images are: - Bf 109 K-4 WNr.334265, JG? - starboard view - Bf 109 K-4 WNr.332579, Black 15+~, 14./JG 53 - port view - Bf 109 K-4 WNr.332603, JG ? - port view - Bf 109 G-6/14, WNr.464463, White 7, JG ? - port view I would also draw you attention to an article Richard Lutz wrote a number of years ago on this subject. He drew some excellent plans to accompany it. I include some parts of it on separate emails (as the images are large), and I urge you to contact him to get permission to use these and others, which should not be a problem. He's a great guy. So, I urge you to put out the call for better images from the "Bf 109 cogniscenti" to make this an even better article. Best of luck! Great job Lynn. Dave