Bf 109G-5 W.Nr. 15343

Surely there must be some mistake... there are no surviving G-5s!


While the location remains confidential at the moment, I've been authorized to present these photos of an honest-to-goodness reconstructed Bf 109G-5... I'll let fellow 109 fan and contributor Herman de Ridder tell the story from here.

The aircraft belonged to JG3 in 1943 when they where based at Schiphol. Because it comes from a crash site you are aware what the state was when it was found. So basically, the person is recreating the whole plane, he is now working on the wings. So what you see is all original except the light bits that are all repairs. 

It is basically one big puzzle.

As shown on the placard in the first photo, the aircraft was coded "schwarze 11 + -" with 5./JG3, and was lost on 4 Dec. 1943 in action with P-47 Thunderbolts.  I have no information on the fate of the pilot, Uffz. Kurt Sordorf.  The aircraft was part of the first batch of G-5s produced by Erla between March and August 1943.  This is a truly exciting project, one which adds a tremendously significant survivor to the ranks of 109s worldwide.

g5-1.jpg (51505 bytes)    g5-2.jpg (47954 bytes)    g5-3.jpg (49078 bytes)    g5-5.jpg (52128 bytes)    g5-6.jpg (46723 bytes)