From: | Block Address | Add to Address Book Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 08:46:33 EST Subject: Re: Messerschmidt Plans To: CC: "Don S. Anklin" Hi Lynn, Best of luck to you with Don Anklin and the discussions that you are having regarding possibly some type of association with us in the restoration of cockpits for our airplanes. I had a meeting with Don myself last week and we briefly discussed this and that he might have found someone to add to our team. I would hope that it might come possible for you to add your own expertise to these airplanes. You certainly seem to be well versed on the Internet for us to be able to connect by way of a German referring me to a discussion page that you participated upon. Thanks for getting back to me about the drawings. There are lots of people out there with F and G model drawings, but the Emil plans seem to be rather difficult to find for us. Let me know if you might come across anyone that has any such drawings. Best regards, Jerry Yagen Gerald Yagen Tidewater Tech 4455 South Blvd. Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 - USA Phone: (757) 490-3157 Fax: (757) 497-8083