Bf 109G-1 10306 8. JG 27 KA+KH* Found by Brits during the spring of 1943. Crashlanded. Tunisia Prien, JG 77, III, p.1834 100% F [belly landed about 1m N of Sidi Athman railway staition.Markings Black 9 outlined in white + ~ (black outlined in white)- David Pausey] Bf 109F-4 8295 III. JG 52 08-Aug-41 Bruchlandung due to enemy fire. Ru§land Gen.Qu.6.Abt. (mfm #4)-Vol. 6; Fast, JG 52, IV, p.49 txt Plisetskoye 90% F Bf 109F-4 8295 III. JG 52 20-Nov-41 Luftkampf. Ru§land Gen.Qu.6.Abt. (mfm #4)-Vol. 7; Fast, JG 52, IV, p.54 txt near Taganrog 45% F Bf 109G-1/R2 14141 Norway CR DG+UF Black 6 2./JG5 Flyvehistorisk museum, Sola Bf 109V10a (B-0) 1010 Germany CR D-IAKO Oberschleissheim, Munich Bf 109E-1 (E-3) 790 Germany PV AJ+YM "2804" Deutsches Museum Munich, used by Condor legion Bf 109E-1 England D 6-88 C.4E-88 Recovered from Spain in 1983 on show at Tangmere Aviation Museum Bf 109E-6 1190 England CR White 4 II/JG26 Imperial War Museum Bf 109E-3 1289 South Africa PVD Black 2 SH+FA South African National Museum of Military History, J-burg Bf 109E-3 1342 England CR 4/JG51 G-BYDS Alpine Deer Group, Wanaka, NZ. Previously reported with Charleston Aviation Services, and Flying Heritage Collection in Seattle, USA. Not yet delivered. Said to be 95% remanufactured. Bf 109E-3 1407 Hungary CR 5/JG77 Red 5/black 8 Deutschen Technikmuseum, Berlin, Restored in Hungary Bf 109E 1983 England CR JG 5 Under restoration to flying condition by Airframe Assemblies. Might have been taken over by Charleston Aviation Services for German client. Bf 109E-7 2023 USA CR 8/JG5 Figther Factory, Suffolk, VA. This rebuild of an aircraft to airworthiness uses parts from several airframes. W.Nr. 2023 was recovered in the Murmansk area. Bf 109E-3 2242 Switzerland PV J-355 Swiss AF museum, Dübendorf, in swiss markings. Bf 109E-1 (E-7) 3579 USA PVA White 14 I(J)/LG2 Museum of Flying Santa Monica, Airworthy Bf 109E-3 4101 England PV Black 12 2/JG51 RAFM Hendon Bf 109E-7 3285 Finland SD Black 12 of 4./JG5, ex White 4, ex Yellow 2, ex Green < Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski Bf 109E-4/b 4853 England PVD 2./JG 51 Kent battle of Britain Museum Bf 109E-7 5975 USA SD? Yellow 4 6./JG 5 Warbird recovery, Bloomfield, Colorado Bf 109F-1 ?? France CR ?? Ailes Anciennes Marseille - Escadrille Pegase Reported to be a cockpit section only. The organisation is to have been dissolved and the wreck moved to unknown place more NEWS? Reported in AM March 2002 to be under restoration to airworthiness by Paul Coggan. Bf 109F-4 Finland SD TI+LA Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski Bf 109F-4 7108 Finland SD NE+ML Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski, previously on display. Bf 109F-4 ???? Belgium CR JG5? Privately owned, in the Brussel area. Erla built aircraft recovered from Russia. Most parts of wings are missing. Under restoration for static display. Bf 109F-4 7485 England SD Charleston Aviation, Essex Bf 109F-4 8147 England D Yellow 10 6/JG54 Privately owned, probably only good for spare parts, might be the same aircraft as 8347 Bf 109F-4 8347 USA? SD Charleston Aviation, Essex, might actually be the same aircraft as 8147 Bf 109F-4 8993 England D JG3/JG54 Owned by Mike Walton, severely derelict. Reportedly sold Bf 109F-4/Z 10132 Canada PV CD+LZ Stab II/ JG54 Canadian National Air Museum, incorporating parts from W.Nr. 26129 Bf 109F-4 10144 USA SD Warbird recovery, Bloomfield, Colorado Bf 109F-4 10212 USA SD Warbird recovery, Bloomfield, Colorado Bf 109F-4 10256 USA SD Warbird recovery, Bloomfield, Colorado Bf 109F-4 10276 USA SD Warbird recovery, Bloomfield, Colorado Bf 109G-2/Trop 10639 England PV Black 6 RAFM Hendon, restoration completed after crash. Bf 109F-2/Trop 31010 might be wrong c/n South Africa PV White 6 I/JG27 South African National Museum of Military History, J-burg Bf 109F Replica Russia PV On display at museum in Moscow Bf 109G-2/R1 13470 Norway CR CI+KS 8./JG 5 Norsk Luftfartsmuseum in Bodö, The recovered remains include center section of fuselage, engine mounts, main landing gear legs, most of elevators, canopy and both wheels. Tailplane, engine have been acquired. In cooperation with Berlin Technical Museum a set of new wings will be built in Hungary by the firm that restored BTMs Bf 109E. Bf 109G-1/R2 14141 Norway CR DG+UF Black 6 2./JG5 Flyvehistorisk museum, Sola Bf 109G-2 14658 Russia PV 6./JG5 Northern Fleet Air Museum, Severomorsk, near Murmansk. The aircraft is ca 40% original. It is restored as a Bf 109F Bf 109G-2 Australia CR Black 11 8./JG5 GJ+QP Privately owned, previously at Museum of Flying, Santa Monica, Ca. Recovered from Russia. Bf 109G-2 14743 Finland PVD MT-208 RJ+SM Raised from the sea by the Finnish Aviation Museum in 1999. Bf 109G-2/trop "14753" Germany PV White 3 II/JG27 Luftfahrtmuseum, Laatzen, Hannover, Rear fuselage and tail is new built Bf 109G-2/R3 14792 Yugoslavia PV 9663 Yugoslavian Aviation Museum Belgrade Bf 109G-1, 2 or 4 10422 15042 W.Nr. is very unsure Australia CR (G)?J+QP <°+ tech off Stab IV/JG 54 VH-BFG Raised from Lake Swiblo in Russia 1992. Ex Tuchino AFB Moscow, to Canada and now Australia. (W.Nr.410077, G-6) Bf 109G-6 15343 Netherlands PVD Black 11 5/JG 53 Hoogeveen Aeropark, project where Mr Jan van Huuksloot recreates the aircraft by placing recevered items from crashsites on to a "template" fuselage. Bf 109G-2 15458 England SD JG 5 Charleston Aviation, Essex Bf 109G-4 19310 Germany (restored in Italy) PV White 3 4/JG52 BH+XN Restoration complete used parts from other a/c for Museo Storico dell'Aeronautica Militaire, Italiana, Vigna di Valle. Currently on loan to Technikmuseum Speyer. Bf 109G-6 26129 France CR Black 3 11./JG 54 RV+IS Association Aeronatique Provencal Victor Tatin, previously with a collector in Gent, Belgium. Retrieved from Russia. Only Cockpit section and some other parts. Will be restored to flying condition. Bf 109G-10 151591 Germany A Black 2 D-FDME EDAS / Messerschmitt Foundation. See HA-1112-M1L, C.4k-40?, 213. below for more information! Bf 109G-6/R3 160756 USA PVX White 2 7./JG 27 NASM, Originally III./JG 4 Yellow 4, KT+LL Bf 109G-6 163306 Poland CR Red 3+ RQ+DS JGr. West Recovered 1999 from lake Trzebun, close to Danzig, Pommern in Poland by Polish divers. Under restoration, very good condition. Will go to Krakow? Bf 109G-6/U4/R3 163824 Australia PV NF-FY G-SMIT Australian War Memorial, Treloar Centre Annex, its probably a remanufacture, containing parts from G-5, G-6 and G-10. Bf 109G-6 165227 Finland PV MT-452 Finnish AF Museum, on display at Utti AFB, Finnish markings Bf 109G-6 167271 Finland PV MT-507 Finnish AF Museum, Tikkakoski, Finnish markings Bf 109G-10/U-4 610824 USA PV YAF 9663 N109MS Evergreen Ventures, Inc, OR bought from Yugoslavian Aviation Museum, Currently on show at USAFM, Dayton Bf 109G-10/U-4 610937 USA PV N109EV Captain Michael Smith Evergreen Aviation Educational center, Portland OR. Restoration complete. Will not fly Bf 109G-10/U-4 New Paint scheme 611943 USA PV Yellow 13 Planes of Fame, Grand Canyon, Arizona Bf 109G-14/AS 784993 Germany S White 13 JG53 Spiesen-Elversberg, private owner. Restoration have been stopped, the owner currently builds a flyable Bf 109K-4! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me 209V1 Cockpit photo 1185 Poland SD D-INJR Muzeum Lotnictwa I Astronautyki, Krakow, fuselage and major parts, no wings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avia CS-199 199565 Czech rep PV UC-26 Vojenske Muzeum Kbely AB, Prag Avia S-199 199178 Czech rep CR? UF-25 Vojenske Muzeum Kbely AB, Prag Avia CS-199 782358 Israel PVX "112.T" IAF Museum Hazerim AB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA-1109-K1L Germany PV In Luftwaffen museum Gatow Rebuilt as Bf 109G-2, DB605 HA-1112-K1L 46 Spain PV C.4J-10 "94-28" Museo del Aire, Madrid HA-1109-K1L 54 Germany PV Moved from Oberschleissheim 1997 to Messerschmitt museum at Manching HA-1112-M1L 67 USA PVA C.4K-31 N109ME Confederate Air Force, Midland TX HA-1112-M1L 120 USA PVA C.4K-... Planes of Fame Chino HA-1112-M1L 129 USA S C.4K-61 G-AWHE Big Springs, Tx HA-1112-M1L 133 USA S <<+- C.4K-64 USAFM, Dayton, rebuilt into Bf 109G-5, Painted as Gerhard Barkhorns aircraft HA-1112-M1L 137 USA ?? 8-109? N6109 Privat owner Quantico, VA HA-1112-M1L 139 France CR C4K-75 D-FWME N3109 Under restoration by a private group to G-2 standard? Will probably fly in 2001. HA-1112-M1L 144 England CR C.4K-162 Private owner, previously with Association Aeronatique Provencal Victor Tatin. HA-1112-M1L 145 USA CR C.4K-105 N6036 Richard Hansen, Batavia Illinois ex Big Spring TX, sold during 1999. HA-1112-M1L 156 Germany A FM+BB C.4K-87 MBB Rebuilt with DB605, D-FMBB HA-1112-M1L 166 USA S C.4K-106 N90607 Private owner, Big Spring TX HA-1112-M1L 170 England Destroyed C.4K-107 G-BOML OFMC, Duxford, Chrashed on Sept 25 1999 in Spain. With the very sad loss of Pilot Mark Hanna. HA-1112-M1L 2nd picture 171 USA PVA C.4K-100 N76GE Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Painted as C.4K-19 HA-1112-M1L 172 England CR G-BWUE C.4K-102 Cheltenham, Glos. UK. Ex Real Aeroplane Company, Ex:G-AWHK/ N9938 HA-1112-M1L 40/2 USA S C.4K-112 N1109G Private owner, Big Spring TX HA-1112-M1L 178 USA CR C.4K-121 The 1941 Historical Aircraft Group, Genesco, NY, Rebuilt with DB601N engine HA-1112-M1L 183 or 164 Canada PV C.4K-114 National Aviation Air Museum ONT, on loan to Western Canada Aviation Museum HA-1112-M1L 2nd photo of cockpit 186 USA PVA C.4K-122 Champlin Fighter Museum, AZ rebuilt with DB601 into Bf 109E HA-1112-M1L 187 USA S C.4K-99 N90604 Private owner, Big Spring TX HA-1112-M1L 190 USA S C.4k-126 Privet owner, Big Spring TX HA-1112-M1L 193 USA PVA?X C.4K-130 N90602 Tillamook Air Museum, OR, ex Erickson Air Crane HA-1112-M1L 194 Germany PV? C.4K-134 Wittmundhafen AB rebuilt with DB 605 into Bf 109G-6/R6 HA-1112-M1L 195 Germany D C.4K-135 Private owner in Germany, Previously used by MBB company before accident in 1983 HA-1112-M1L 199 USA PVA? C.4K-127 EAA Aviation Museum Oshkosh WI, Flyable? HA-1112-M1L Cockpit photo 201 Belgium A C.4K-131 OO-MAF Eric Vormezeele Collection. The aircraft is airworthy but not flown. HA-1112-M1L 208 USA D C.4K-144 Confederate Air Force, Chrashed 1987, Any plans? HA-1112-M1L 213 Germany CR C.4K-40? EDAS / Messerschmitt Foundation. Formerly operated by DASA and owned by Hans Dittes, incorporating only certain minor parts from Bf 109G-10, Wnr 151591 HA-1112-M1L 220 USA S C.4K-152 Privet owner, Big Spring TX HA-1112-M1L 226 Spain PV C.4K-158 Museo del Aire, Madrid HA-1112-M1L the other side 228 Germany PV C.4K-170 Auto und Technik Museum, Sinsheim, Converted into Bf 109G-6 HA-1112-M1L 234 USA A C.4K-169 N109W ex G-AWHT ex N9939 Owned by Harold Kindsvater, Based at Castle Air Force Base, CA, HA-1112-M1L Picture 2 235 USA PVA C.4K-172 Cavanaugh Flight Museum TX Ex G-HUNN HA-1112-M1L 2?? France PV C.4K-156 Musee de l'Air, Paris Le Bourget HA-1112-M1L USA PV C.4K-... New England Air Museum, CT HA-1112-M1L USA S C.4K-30 471-26 Big Springs, Tx HA-1112-M1L USA S C.4K-111 471-15 Big Springs, Tx HA-1112-M1L USA S C.4K-154 471-58 Big Springs, Tx